Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project and one of the world's leading authorities on the UFO/UAP issue, will be presenting definitive. UAP Disclosure Act 2023: Commenting on the Uap Disclosure Act, reading an article. June 1, 2023, 8:30 AM UTC. The bill — dubbed the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023, to comply with the feds’ preferred term for UFOs — was added with bipartisan support as an amendment to. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Unidenti-fied Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023’’ or the ‘‘UAP Disclosure Act of 2023’’. , Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer wants America to believe he is deeply interested in transparency — at least in regards to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). Bolender. First published on Tue 6 Jun 2023 13. P. 0. Dr. Whenever there´s a report online, and I´ve done some research, about the presence of UFO´s over America, a maximum of 5 is mentioned, taken down in one go. Steven Greer is the world’s leading authority on the subject of UFOs/UAPs, advanced energy and propulsion systems and has gathered an extensive intelligence archive of compelling evidence on the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence and covert government projects that are being run. He’s so much better than all these newbie podcasters and f-ing “influencers” who have lately entered the field. The decisions made in the 1940s and 1950s, which led to the execution of a massively effective cover up of UFO phenomena can only be second guessed, not altered. as the chief scientist as efforts to assemble a larger team were underway,". FINDINGS, DECLARATIONS, AND PURPOSES. NASA's UAP study team stressed that the biggest roadblock standing between us and understanding unidentified phenomena is a lack of data. The U. This virtual-only symposium will bring together key thinkers in the fledgling academic study of unidentified aerospace phenomena (UAP) to discuss fundamental methodological, epistemological, and ontological questions surrounding the UAP phenomenon, including an exploration and critical assessment of. S. WASHINGTON — The U. Huge news this week as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduces the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023! This is a bipartisan NDAA amendment that would introdu. com! Stay updated on historical accounts, government revelations, whistleblower interviews, and more. Last modified on Thu 8 Jun 2023 14. 38015 posts. 00 EDT Last modified on Fri 21 Jul 2023 13. Congress is finally taking the initiative to inform the public on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and creating a new office to study them, with some saying it is "time" the results come out. Jan. 1X. Kean thinks this year into 2024 should be a heady time for UFO/UAP revelations. Focuses on non-human made objects, devices, and phenomena. The House of Representatives plans to investigate claims that the US government is harboring UFOs after a whistleblower former intelligence official said. Members of an independent NASA panel studying UFOs, or what the U. 502. On November 6, 2018 the pilots of a U. So, while some disclosure proponents remain enamored with official interest in UAP, it’s doubtful that recent developments bode well for bringing the public any closer to the full truth of the matter. Nolan contacted important people in the government who have closely investigated UFOs and. This capture features colorful changing spheroid clusters in Del Mar, California USA on July 20, 2023. And if you think these are exciting times, just wait for 2023! You ain't seen nothing yet. ” Although several weeks late on arrival, the report presents the latest. I highly recommend him as a follow if anyone is on Twitter. by Tim Sweezy — Friday, January 20, 2023, 11:54 AM EDT. ATTENTION ALL PRO BONO. Podcasts: In podcasts from The Debrief, on The Micah Hanks Program, we look at what has been presented in draft language as “The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023” and the incredible measures it is calling for, which include the release of records pertaining to the collection of exotic UAP craft, biological representations of non-human. THE Pentagon has admitted to holding and testing wreckage from UFO crashes in a bombshell Freedom of Information letter, shared with The Sun. This was originally due on Monday, October 31, 2022, but was delayed. Tuesday, July 18, 2023. (a) FINDINGS ANDDECLARATIONS. Riveting Update of Activities Since The June 12, 2023 Washington DC Press Conference! Red Carpet Event for the Premiere of “The Lost Century – And How to Reclaim It” National Security Alert for the United States and Other World Governments Related To. This report does nothing more than confirms the US Government’s plans to mislead the American public with partial disclosure of UFO’s/UAP’s. I also talk about the AARO (All-domain Anomalies Reso. Even the good ones probably think we deserve to. 8, 2022, 1:30 AM PST. C. Washington — A House panel held the first public congressional hearing on unidentified flying objects in. 02/28/2023 04:30 AM EST. James Webb telescope reveals 3 possible 'dark stars' — galaxy-sized objects powered by invisible dark. All of these screenshots and observations are courtesy of @tinyklaus on Twitter. I will always push for full disclosure. "Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that unidentified anomalous phenomena. Steven. national defense strategy for the coming year. They discuss NASA’s UAP investigation as well as the recent news of a whistleblower who made headlines around. Steven Greer- Live UAP Disclosure Posted on 6/12/23 at 2:57 pm to ThuperThumpin. His latest film, “The Lost Century - and how to reclaim it” will be released on June 6, 2023. Last year, the. S. Greer, who since 1998 has been a full-time. Search. Micah Hanks · July 20, 2023. On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, MUFON was contacted by a local rancher in Cotton. The next national UAP report, produced by the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, will likely come out exactly eight days before the midterm elections. The US Senate subcommittee on Armed Services held an unclassified briefing with the Director of AARO, or All-domain Anomaly Research Office, and in it they revealed video of an unidentified flying. The report gets potentially interesting in making the statement that of the 171 unattributed reports, “Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to. UFOs worth investigating despite lack of 'real evidence,' former astronaut Scott Kelly says. ll02. Congress held a formal hearing on UFOs, which are now called UAP for. UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. UFO witness and former Navy pilot praises UFO bill for transparency, launches whistleblower program - Fox News. 9, 2021, when announcing the inclusion of her UAP. On the 26th, the first public hearing will take place on UAPs and we will supposedly hear from people with firsthand knowledge of special access programs who are stepping forward as whistleblowers. many of us have been closely observing the disclosure process concerning the UAP phenomena. Lue ElizondoUAP STUDIES Podcast is your source for science and fact based discussions with the biggest names in the field of UFOlogy, discussing topics such as: The UFO/UAP phenomenon, Military witness testimonies, the alien abduction phenomenon, Government disclosure, whistleblowers, quantum physics, extraterrestrial close encounters and so. Periodic Review flows, conditions, actors and presidential overrides. 7 lous Phenomena Disclosure Act of 2023’’ or the ‘‘UAP 8 Disclosure Act of 2023’’. My prediction is that MMAT will be positively impacted by what will soon become public knowledge, as it will become. JUN 27, 2023; UAP Weekly 6-27-23 Exclusive Interview with High Level Whistleblower, Michael Herrera. A. WASHINGTON , May 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Ryan Graves joined the Navy in 2009 and went. reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics. Steven M. Steven M. ). This week on The Micah Hanks Program, we look at what has been presented in draft language as “The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. S. S. However, I think the federal government will absolutely increase spending massively for defense contractors to reverse engineer and create weaponry to mitigate extraterrestrial threats. The other. Matt Growcoot. ), Chuck Schumer (D-N. ), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N. S. UFOs are real (and the government knows it) In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report detailing. Source:7/19/2023 - Bipartisan UFO/UAP. He also served as counsel for the Disclosure Project, led by ufologist Steven Greer, that has sought to force more government transparency on UFOs. AARO MUFON CUFOS UFORC BUFORA #mavi #viral #viralvideo. As a member of the House Oversight Committee, he has been actively pushing for. Our goal is to demand more disclosure from our public officials about this significant. The act, which has bipartisan support is expected to be passed. ASA will support pilots and other aerospace professionals who are reporting UAP. S. Dr. sound I can prove almost everything discussed above from video’s I’ve take almost every day since Easter weekend 2023. The ‘UAP Disclosure Act of 2023’: What We Know About Chuck Schumer and the Senate’s New Push for UAP Transparency Breaking News UAP The Empire Strikes Back: Would-Be UAP Whistleblowers Offered Dire. (b) REFERENCES. ”On January 12, 2023, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released their second UAP report to the general public. Welcome to the new year. Greer of preparing ground for fake alien invasion, when in reality that is what they are warning against the most. It includes. The new numbers indicate a steep rise in UAP sightings: The preliminary report released in June 2021 listed just 144 reports, covering a 17-year period. 5K. Pandemic response on steroids. I could be wrong, but it sounds an awful lot like Stephen Greer's Disclosure Project. . Fri 21 Jul 2023 06. US Senate incorporates UAP Disclosure Act for 2023 into National Defense Authorization Act for 2024. ), and Mike Rounds (R-S. On the left, a non-scientific reason for UAP skepticism has emerged: Perhaps after wasting over $1. Coulthart asserts that there is a legislative pushback against UAP transparency. The US government has received over 350 new reports of what the US government terms "unidentified aerial phenomenon," commonly known as UFOs, since March of 2021 -- roughly half of which are so. UFO/UAP Disclosure Press Conference June 12, 2023 "Dr. Member since Oct 2014. THE PENTAGON allegedly has in its possession a 23-minute long video of UFOs moving in a strange pattern that will leave viewers “rattled”, a former insider has claimed. re: Dr. 54 EDT The US has been urged to disclose evidence of UFOs after a whistleblower former intelligence official said the. The Pentagon has released a newly declassified video that shows an unidentified flying object moving strangely above the Middle East last year. July 21, 2023; USA;06/12/2023 Dr. A surge in UAP investigations has recently paced after the Pentagon, NASA, and other reputable agencies began their study into the phenomenon. I hope I am proven wrong over the 300 day deadline and subsequent public disclosure campaigns. News video on One News Page on Monday, 17 July 2023The disclosure of the largest-ever number of UAP reports, combined with the careful analysis and characterization of these reports, provides a solid foundation for future investigation and analysis. 7,366. And a Handful of UAP Appear to Demonstrate Advanced Technology . Disclosure Tonight is a nightly news / talk / viewer call in broadcast featuring honest reporting on Disclosure of UFOS and all aspects of the Phenomenon as. ll02. . The first such defense-intelligence UAP report to Congress in June 2021 looked at 144 sightings by U. The act, which has bipartisan support passed last week. Steven M. 530. (UAP) have placed military pilots at risk. . 145. By Alex Seitz-Wald. More UFO hearings? Congressman weighs in. Going over the new UAP Disclosure Act of 20231) By 45 Days Out from Enactment of UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. ”The subcommittee hearing will explore firsthand accounts of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) and. A team of 16 experts and scientists assembled by NASA aims to publish its first report on unidentified anomalous phenomena, also known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOS, by midsummer. ll02. 1 SEC. Out of the over 500 UFO/UAP cases. The SSCI-reported bill mandated a historical study of involvement of the Intelligence Community in UAP matters, going back to January 1, 1947 [but see the change described below], by the Government Accountability Office (GAO),. 54 EDT The US has been urged to disclose evidence of UFOs after a whistleblower former intelligence official said the government has possession of “intact and. 00:51, Sun, Jul 16, 2023. Steve Greer Closing Comments - Part 9 As Dr. SS: I distilled key processes of the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 into a Flow Chart. 1X. However, the public, he argues, has a voice. Standardizes reporting procedures and requirements. The Document. UAP Task Force Jay Stratton, investigative journalist George Knapp,. For the past 30 years, Dr. National Archives and Records Administration to collect UAP records from all relevant government offices under "a presumption of immediate disclosure," and a. UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. Carlsbad, CA June 12, 2023. An independent group of scientists and experts convened by NASA to study unidentified anomalous phenomena, known as UAPs or UFOs, said Wednesday there is. On the far right upper corner, you’ll see a breakout of the morphologies of all of the UAP that are reported. UAP/UFO/ET/InterDimensional Disclosure 2. 16 days in, and I think we should open 2023 with a more transparent year when it comes to the United States and UFO’s/UAP’s. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the co-lead for UAP analysis at the NGA and its representative to the task force. Greer and attorney Derek Garcia announced the formation of The Disclosure Project Legal team and address what issues it will pursue, including possibly a RICO lawsuit on behalf of all those wronged by the entities illegally handling the UFO issue for the past decades. The Chuck Schumer UFO bill is aiming for maximum disclosure about aliens. Haven’t had a chance to read the whole Act yet, but this article says it give the US govt the right to seize any recover. 6 trillion on the disastrous F-35, spending over $2. This week they described jaw-dropping new claims from a decorated former combat officer who served as the U. C. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind. Last modified on Thu 8 Jun 2023 14. Maybe he's involved in this. FINDINGS,. Jul 20, 2023, 07:42pm EDT. The U. First published on Tue 6 Jun 2023 13. ), and Martin Heinrich (D-N. Get into your account. It’s became a huge industry where the “leading” voices like Greer are grifters taking advantage of people with stories to tell. But 2023 looks to be “the year of science” in UAP research, according to Ryan Sprague, Ancient Aliens pundit and host of Somewhere in the Skies, a weekly podcast covering UFOs and the unexplained. Steven Greer's press conference, a shocking revelation unfolds. . House of Representatives to hold first Congressional hearing for UFO whistleblowers. As the story unfolds, we are taken on a journey that intertwines military service, undisclosed government projects,. Dr. Establishes coordination among. NASA's UAP independent study team during its first public meeting on May 31, 2023. Full UAP Disclosure document here: Article: Dolan also has much to say on the topic of disclosure. ll02. 1 / 5. James Woolsey acknowledged ; “I’m not as skeptical as I was a few years ago, to put it mildly, but something is going on that is surprising to a series of. ”July 13, 2023. Authored by Rep. —Any reference in this or any other Act to the ‘‘National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023’’ shall be deemed to be a reference to the ‘‘James M. Department of Defense. By Brett Tingley. This date will coincide with the UFO/UAP Disclosure Press Conference that will also be hosted on June 12 tomorrow: "Marine vet breaks 14-year silence to make astonishing claim that his six-man unit saw a hovering octagonal UFO being loaded with WEAPONS by unmarked US forces who. Video. The ‘UAP Disclosure Act of 2023’: What We Know About Chuck Schumer and the Senate’s New Push for UAP Transparency Breaking News UAP The Empire Strikes Back: Would-Be UAP Whistleblowers Offered Dire. The ODNI mentioned a total of 510 UAP reports that had been collected, as of the end of August 2022. 2023-07-20T09:02:29-04:00.